It is the policy of the Company to always meet or exceed agreed client requirements and to strive to enhance (increase) client satisfaction on an ongoing basis for all services provided. These services are referenced in our documented Business Management System (BMS) and by our Business Management System Approval to ISO 9001 2015.

Furthermore, it is the intention of our organisation to conform to all applicable elements of BS EN ISO 9001 2015.

Our documented system is therefore written to ensure that our personnel conform to these particular requirements, in addition to all other applicable Industry Codes of Practice and Legal, Statutory and Regulatory requirements appropriate to our range of services.

The Company’s Management Team is committed to this Policy and to the Continual Improvement of the effectiveness of our processes and the overall Business Management System. This commitment is demonstrated through the following ongoing activities:

  1. Communicating to everyone in the Company the importance of meeting the agreed client as well as applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
  2. Establishing and communicating this Policy Statement to all personnel and ensuring that it is understood;
  3. Ensuring the Company Quality Objectives are established and are met;
  4. Conducting management reviews to determine the effectiveness of our overall QMS and to identify improvements where necessary.